Paddling 2.0: Essentials of Kayaking

This class is designed for beginner to intermediate paddlers to learn skills. It is not required to take a level 1 class first. If you don’t feel quite ready, check out our Wednesday Night Paddles. This is the best introductory class to give you the skills you need for those with a little kayak experience. 

This 3 hour class (depending on size) is an invaluable further introduction to kayaking. We still cover the Four Basic Strokes and Five Basic Maneuvers taught in Level 1, PLUS we go into additional paddling techniques such as edging and low bracing to aid in kayak control. Finally, the class will conclude with a review of paddling safety and opportunities for further instruction.

Kayaking 2: Essentials of Kayak Touring – this course is designed to teach beginner paddlers to safely and enjoyably kayak on lakes, calm protected ocean environments, and other flatwater settings.

Class skills include:

  • Get on/off or in/out of a paddle craft independently or with a reasonable amount of assistance.
  • How to exit a capsized kayak
  • Basic strokes and paddle form
  • Learn and perform multiple forms of rescues, both self rescue and assisted rescue 
  • Stroke and maneuver refinement, including draws, sweeps, and braces
  • Open Water Skills

In the St. Louis area the class is held at River’s Edge Park

Time: Depends on Session. See the class schedule below for details.
Cost: $45 per person.
Registration: All registration is handled on-line. Once you find the date you would like to attend, click on the date to access the registration system. First, select which location you would like to attend, then select, the class. If you would like to register more than one person for the class after you are finished completing your own information, click “Add Participant” and enter the information for as many participants as you are registering.

Class size is extremely limited. Register today!

If you’re interested or just more comfortable in a private class or trip, please contact us to schedule something that meets your needs. We have adaptive paddle instructors on staff as well that can accommodate most needs!

Please note: All programs have a minimum (3) and maximum (15) number of participants. If a minimum number is not met, you may be contacted to possibly reschedule your class. If a maximum is met, a waitlist may start for those still interested in attending.

Registration Options Below. Select the Date You Would Like to Attend.